Sunday, July 28, 2013

Bible Basics for Catholics

Audio Link: (links will not work on some mobile devices)

Kresta in the Afternoon - Audio Archive for: 7/19/2012-2nd Hour
(From 7:00 to 35:10 in this recorded program.)

If the link above does not work or the audio will not play use the link below and then go to July 2012 and scroll down to the first hour for July 19, 2012

Kresta in the Afternoon - Audio Archive Search

Gary's Thoughts:

For many of you this will be an introduction to a way of looking at the bible through covenants that you have not heard before.  I was introduced to this several years ago through talks and books by Scott Hahn.  It has helped me better fit pieces of the bible and bible stories together through a clearer picture of the overall storyline the bible has for us.
Produced by: Ave Maria Radio -

Series Name: Kresta in the Afternoon


Host: Al Kresta

Date Produced: 7/19/2012

Topic: Bible Basics for Catholics: A New Picture of Salvation History

From biblical scholar John Bergsma--two-time teacher of the year at the Franciscan University of Steubenville--comes a fresh, fun, and authentically Catholic introduction to the "big picture" of salvation history. This overview of the Bible is based on Bergsma's wildly popular introduction to theology course at Franciscan. Bergsma combines sound theology, academic expertise, pastoral wisdom, and an endearing playfulness to draw readers into the connection between the great stories of the Bible and salvation in Jesus. John is with us.

8/4/2013 Mass Readings

Cycle C - 18th Sunday in Ordinary Time

Ecclesiastes 1:2, 2:21-23
Colossians 3:1-5, 9-11
Luke 12:13-21

Bible Study Link:

Source: St Charles Borromeo Catholic Church

Saturday, July 27, 2013

The Existence of God

Audio Link: Catholic Answers Live - The Existence of God
Note: This topic can get a little deep at times.  Don't give up...hang in there.  The index below is to some topics in the recording that I found most interesting. 
00:00 - The partial truths that many use to try to disprove the existence of God.
09:05 - Something cannot come from Nothing.
13:00 - The extreme odds that the universe could get to where it is today if it were left to random chance.
29:10 - Who made God? Father Spitzer did a GREAT job of answering this question for a young boy who called into the show. We can all learn from this answer.
33:45 - More examples of the extreme odds against our universe being what it is if left to chance.
45:20 - The age of the universe according to science vs the age according to the genealogy of the bible. 

Gary's Thoughts:
Why do we have to prove the existence of God?  My simple answer is: Because people want proof for everything they believe.  Some people want more proof than others.  For me, a simple look at nature with all of its beauty and complexity is enough for me. However, having a deeper understand can go along way when you get that tough question from a non-believer.  This recording can help everyone get to a little deeper understanding.  For those that need a deeper understanding they can visit Father Spitzer's website.
There are many things in nature that amaze me and strengthen my belief in God. The one I like to share involves the Lodgepole Pine tree.  The Lodgepole Pine seed is enclosed in a cone that can maintain the seed for many years.  The only natural event capable of generating enough heat to cause the cone to release the seed and allow it to grow is a forest fire. I saw firsthand the results of this amazing feature when I visited Yellowstone National Park in 2011 and saw all of the young Lodgepole Pines that blanketed the areas burned by the huge forest fires of 1988. I have a difficult time believing the Lodgepole Pine developed this amazing survival method by random chance. It had to be created by an all knowing God.
Source: Catholic Answers

Production Date: 11/14/2011

Guest: Father Robert Spitzer
Born in Honolulu, Hawaii on May 16, 1952, Fr. Spitzer is a Catholic Priest in the Jesuit order, and is currently the President of the Magis Center of Reason and Faith ( and the Spitzer Center ( The Magis Center produces documentaries, books, high school curricula, college courses, adult-education curricula, and new media materials to show the close connection between faith and reason in contemporary astrophysics, philosophy, and historical study of the New Testament. The Spitzer Center produces facilitated curricula to strengthen culture, faith, and spirit in Catholic organizations as well as nonprofit and for-profit organizations.

Topic: Prove the existence of God based on new scientific insights from physics.

Sunday, July 21, 2013

7/28/2013 Mass Readings

Cycle C - 17th Sunday in Ordinary Time

Genesis 18:20-32
Colossians 2:12-14
Luke 11:1-13

Bible Study Link:

Source: St Charles Borromeo Catholic Church

The Book of Man: Readings on the Path to Manhood

YouTube Link:
(From the Beginning to 21:20 in this video.)

Gary's Thought:
The first segment (Beginning - 21:20) of the YouTube video above is a very good interview with author, William Bennett, about his book "The Book of Man".  This is the second story I have listened to in the last couple months that really makes me step back and think about my role as a father in preparing my children for adulthood. 

Series Name:  The World Over (

Host:  Raymond Arroyo with William (Bill) Bennett

Date Produced:  1/5/2012 

Program Description:
Bill Bennett, syndicated radio host and author of The Book of Man: Readings on the Path to Manhood, on what is lacking and what it means to be a man in today's culture. He also discusses the presidential race in the US.

What books did the Church Fathers exclude from the Bible and why?

Video Link:

(If you do not see the embedded video above, click here to play the video.)

Gary's Thought:
Don't trust what you see and hear in today's movies and cable television stations like the History Channel. Watch this video and get an introduction to the truth about the "missing books of the Bible".
Source:  Catholic Answers
Production Date: 10/27/2010

Speaker: Jimmy Akin

Topic: What books did the Church Fathers exclude from the Bible and why?
Catholic Answers Senior Apologist Jimmy Akin explains how the early Christians knew which books did not belong in the canon of Scripture.
What Did Early Christians Really Believe?
The Answer Will Surprise and Amaze You!

Untold Stories Behind the Abortion Fight

Audio Link: (links will not work on some mobile devices)

Kresta in the Afternoon - Audio Archive for: 10/02/2012-2nd Hour

If the link above does not work or the audio will not play use the link below and then go to October 2012 and scroll down to the first hour for October 2, 2012

Kresta in the Afternoon - Audio Archive Search

Gary's Thought:
For those like me that support Pro-Life but are not actively involved, most of what you will hear in this interview is a real eye opener.  The first of two most surprising parts in this interview is when Dr. Monica Miller discusses court proceedings associated with some of her own personal arrests.  The second surprise is when a caller called in during the interview and said he felt abortion was necessary because the world is over populated.  Unbelievable! (See my "Risk of Over Population??? NOT!" blog for more related to over population)

Produced by: Ave Maria Radio -

Series Name: Kresta in the Afternoon


Host: Al Kresta

Date Produced: 10/2/2012

Topic:  Abandoned: The Untold Story of the Abortion Wars
Every day, thousands of children fragile, innocent, alone are abandoned. They are brutally snuffed from the world and literally left in the trash . . . and it's all legal. Since 1976, Monica Miller has made it her life's work to defend the unborn: she has counseled pregnant women outside of abortion clinics and organized pro-life groups and sit-ins at many of those same clinics. She has blocked abortionists cars, been arrested, and gone to jail. And she has pulled the bodies of thousands of unborn babies out of dumpsters and given them a proper burial. Monica is here to tell the true-life tale of life and death, and a plea for the protection of the most helpless and innocent members of the human family.

Risk of Over Population??? NOT!

Audio Link: (links will not work on some mobile devices)

Kresta in the Afternoon - Audio Archive for: 10/20/2011-1st Hour
(From 29:40 to 45:00 in this recorded program.)

If the link above does not work or the audio will not play use the link below and then go to October 2011 and scroll down to the first hour for October 20, 2011

Kresta in the Afternoon - Audio Archive Search

Gary's Thought:
We have all heard at some time in our life that the world is becoming over populated. This argument is regularly used by those promoting abortion. It is amazing how different the truth actually is when you are not trying to promote some other agenda. Listen to this interview and get the rest of the story (and the truth) about population growth.

Produced by: Ave Maria Radio -

Series Name: Kresta in the Afternoon


Host: Al Kresta

Date Produced: 10/20/2011

Topic:  AP: “Challenges loom as world population about to hit 7 billion” Really?
As of Oct. 31, 2011, according to the U.N. Population Fund, there will be 7 billion people inhabiting the earth. The Associated Press reports it this way: “Is catastrophe inevitable? Not necessarily. But experts say most of Africa - and other high-growth developing nations such as Afghanistan and Pakistan - will be hard-pressed to furnish enough food, water and jobs for their people, especially without major new family-planning initiatives.” The executive director of the U.N. Population Fund, says “There are 215 million women worldwide who need family planning and don't get it. If we can change that, and these women can take charge of their lives, we'll have a better world." Steve Mosher of the Population Research Institute has a different view.

Archeology Supports the Bible

Audio Link: (links will not work on some mobile devices)

Kresta in the Afternoon - Audio Archive for: 12/19/2011-1st Hour
(From 7:10 to 35:20 in this recorded program.)

If the link above does not work or the audio will not play use the link below and then go to December 2011 and scroll down to the first hour for December 19, 2011

Kresta in the Afternoon - Audio Archive Search

Gary's Thought:
Is the Bible true? "Christianity is not true because we believe it. We believe it because it is true".  This interview discusses several archeology finds in the Holy Lands that support the bible. 

Produced by: Ave Maria Radio -

Series Name: Kresta in the Afternoon


Host: Al Kresta

Date Produced: 12/19/2011

Topic: The Stones Cry Out: The Apologetics of Archaeology
Many times over the past few years Steve Ray has knelt in prayer at the tombs of Peter and Paul – and of Jesus, with tears welling up. “It’s true! It’s historical! I believe.” For Catholics, archaeology of the historical events of the New Testament confirms our trust in scripture and the Church. As we read Scripture and dig in the dirt, we remember, “It is not true because I believe, I believe because it is true.” Steve Ray is here to discuss the archaeology of the Bible..

Love is Patient, Love is Kind

Bible Study for:
1 Corinthians 13: 4-7
Philippians 4:4-9

Audio & Video Links:

(If you do not see the embedded video above, click here to play the video.)
Audio Only -  MP3 Play/Download Link

Gary's Thought:
Dr. Ray and Marcus do a wonderful job of bringing these verses to life by pointing out how many Christians today misapply these verses in their daily lives.
Source: CHNI - Deep in Scripture
Production Date: 9/14/2011

Guest Information: Dr. Ray Guarendi
Dr. Ray Guarendi is the father of 10, clinical psychologist, author, public speaker and nationally syndicated radio host. His radio show― "The Doctor Is In" ― can be heard weekdays. Please see our radio affiliate listings (Ave Maria Radio & EWTN Radio) for a station in your area. You can also listen live online or on Sirius satellite radio, channel 130. Dr. Ray's experience includes school districts, Head Start programs, mental health centers, substance abuse programs, inpatient psychiatric centers, juvenile courts, and a private practice. Contact Info: 

1 Corinthians 13: 4-7
4: Love is patient and kind; love is not jealous or boastful;
5: it is not arrogant or rude. Love does not insist on its own way; it is not irritable or resentful;
6: it does not rejoice at wrong, but rejoices in the right.
7: Love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things.

Philippians 4:4-9
4: Rejoice in the Lord always; again I will say, Rejoice.
5: Let all men know your forbearance. The Lord is at hand.
6: Have no anxiety about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God.
7: And the peace of God, which passes all understanding, will keep your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.
8: Finally, brethren, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is gracious, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things.
9: What you have learned and received and heard and seen in me, do; and the God of peace will be with you.

A Fight for the Truth about Lance Armstrong

Audio Link: (links will not work on some mobile devices)

Kresta in the Afternoon - Audio Archive for: 12/18/2012-2nd Hour

If the link above does not work or the audio will not play use the link below and then go to December 2012 and scroll down to the second hour for December 18, 2012:

Kresta in the Afternoon - Audio Archive Search

Gary's Thought:
This interview with Betsy Andreu was done before Lance's interview with Opra in early January 2013. Betsy was interviewed by many news agencies after Lance's Opra interview but none of them went as deep into Betsy's story as this interview.  The best part of this interview is when Betsy talks about how her Catholic faith helped her through this fight for the truth. A fight she could have dropped (like many other people did) and her and her family would have greatly benefited financially. None of us know for sure what we would do if we were put in a situation like this, but Betsy is a great example of how I hope I would have had the strength to respond.

Produced by: Ave Maria Radio -

Series Name:  Kresta in the Afternoon


Host:  Al Kresta 

Date Produced:  12/18/2012

Topic: Lance Armstrong's Former Friend Speaks Out About Athlete's Use of Performance Enhancing Drugs
For some of those who knew Lance Armstrong the best, his fall from grace amid doping allegations is no surprise at all. Betsy Andreu, a former family friend to Armstrong says Armstrong is the “Bernie Madoff” of the sporting world. Andreu says Armstrong played the world and the media for years while knowingly taking performance enhancing drugs. Betsy joins us to discuss how she and Armstrong had a falling out when she refused to lie about something she heard while visiting Armstrong in the hospital at the time he was diagnosed with testicular cancer.

7/21/2013 Mass Readings

Cycle C - 16th Sunday in Ordinary Time

Genesis 18:1-10a
Colossians 1:24-28
Luke 10:38-42

Bible Study Link: //

Source: St Charles Borromeo Catholic Church

7/14/2013 Mass Readings

Cycle C - 15th Sunday in Ordinary Time

Deuteronomy 30:10-14
Colossians 1:15-20
Luke 10:25-37

Bible Study Link: //

Source: St Charles Borromeo Catholic Church