Saturday, July 27, 2013

The Existence of God

Audio Link: Catholic Answers Live - The Existence of God
Note: This topic can get a little deep at times.  Don't give up...hang in there.  The index below is to some topics in the recording that I found most interesting. 
00:00 - The partial truths that many use to try to disprove the existence of God.
09:05 - Something cannot come from Nothing.
13:00 - The extreme odds that the universe could get to where it is today if it were left to random chance.
29:10 - Who made God? Father Spitzer did a GREAT job of answering this question for a young boy who called into the show. We can all learn from this answer.
33:45 - More examples of the extreme odds against our universe being what it is if left to chance.
45:20 - The age of the universe according to science vs the age according to the genealogy of the bible. 

Gary's Thoughts:
Why do we have to prove the existence of God?  My simple answer is: Because people want proof for everything they believe.  Some people want more proof than others.  For me, a simple look at nature with all of its beauty and complexity is enough for me. However, having a deeper understand can go along way when you get that tough question from a non-believer.  This recording can help everyone get to a little deeper understanding.  For those that need a deeper understanding they can visit Father Spitzer's website.
There are many things in nature that amaze me and strengthen my belief in God. The one I like to share involves the Lodgepole Pine tree.  The Lodgepole Pine seed is enclosed in a cone that can maintain the seed for many years.  The only natural event capable of generating enough heat to cause the cone to release the seed and allow it to grow is a forest fire. I saw firsthand the results of this amazing feature when I visited Yellowstone National Park in 2011 and saw all of the young Lodgepole Pines that blanketed the areas burned by the huge forest fires of 1988. I have a difficult time believing the Lodgepole Pine developed this amazing survival method by random chance. It had to be created by an all knowing God.
Source: Catholic Answers

Production Date: 11/14/2011

Guest: Father Robert Spitzer
Born in Honolulu, Hawaii on May 16, 1952, Fr. Spitzer is a Catholic Priest in the Jesuit order, and is currently the President of the Magis Center of Reason and Faith ( and the Spitzer Center ( The Magis Center produces documentaries, books, high school curricula, college courses, adult-education curricula, and new media materials to show the close connection between faith and reason in contemporary astrophysics, philosophy, and historical study of the New Testament. The Spitzer Center produces facilitated curricula to strengthen culture, faith, and spirit in Catholic organizations as well as nonprofit and for-profit organizations.

Topic: Prove the existence of God based on new scientific insights from physics.

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