Monday, March 30, 2020

Broken, Not Lost

Speaker: Fr. Mike Schmitz

Audio Link:
3/29/2020 - Un-Done, Part IV: Broken, Not Lost

Gary's Thoughts:
The page linked above contains a link to an audio file (31 minutes) containing Fr. Mike's homily for Sunday, 3/29/2020. 
 In Fr. Mike's homily he points out there is a difference between having a broken heart and being discouraged (having a loss of heart). He also points out he believes God allows us to have a heart that is broken to preserve us from a heart that is lost. Unfortunately, we are so used to conditional relationships in this world that we too often look at our relationship with God as a conditional relationship:  "Lord, if you had <fill in the blank>, then <fill in the blank> would not have happened.".  Or, "Lord, If you loved me, then you would give me <fill in the blank>.".  So, when our conditions are not met we loose trust and we loose faith which leads to being discouraged with a loss of heart.

In a crisis like the COVID-19 pandemic the world is battling today it is easy to become discouraged and loose heart when we have built a conditional relationship with God.  That loss of heart leads to accepting a role of victim when what the crisis needs are those with a survivor mentality. An unconditional relationship with God leads to a survivor mentality because the person trusts God.  That trust in God allows the person to accept whatever situation they find them self in and to accept any answer God gives them.  That willingness to accept those situations and answers come from, as Fr. Mike says, a willingness to accept whatever God gives them because they trust it will more fully reveal God to the world.  And...many times what reveals God most to the world is when we participate in His miracles by helping others and being someone else's miracle.

For many years I have been encouraged by the many bible verses that refer to being a light for others.  Thus the reason for the title of this Blog site "Recharge Your Light". We are all called to be a light that reveals God to others.  When we trust in God through an unconditional relationship with Him we will be more willing and ready to let our light shine in whatever way He asks and in whatever situations we find ourselves.

I encourage you to listen to Fr. Mike's homily linked above and the other homilies in his Un-Done Series (link below).  Doing so will help you build your unconditional relationship with God so you can avoid moving from a broken heart to a lost heart. 

From the Series: Un-Done 
See below a link to my short Blog from last week containing the links to Parts I thru III: 
God Shows Up

About The Speaker: Fr. Mike Schmitz



Sunday, March 29, 2020

3/29/2020 - Mass Readings

Cycle A - 5th Sunday in Lent

Ezekiel 37:12-14
Romans 8:8-11
John 11:1-45

Bible Study Link:

Source: St Charles Borromeo Catholic Church


Sunday, March 22, 2020

God Shows Up

Speaker: Fr. Mike Schmitz

Audio Link:
3/22/2020 - Un-Done, Part III: God Shows Up

Gary's Thoughts:
The page linked above contains a link to an audio file (25 minutes) containing Fr. Mike's homily for Sunday, 3/22/2020.  Given the current state of the world where I find myself asking...Why...Father's homily contains a message I needed to hear so I could be reminded that God always.Shows Up. Another interesting part of this homily is the stories Fr. Mike tells about a gentleman, Nick Vujicic, who was born without arms and legs.  Several years ago Shelby High School brought Nick in to speak to the community and the students. 
If you find yourself or your children asking why God would allow something like this coronavirus, I strongly encourage you to listen to Fr. Mike's message in the link above and then share this with your children, friends, and family members.
The audio file linked above is Part III in a series.  Parts I & II are linked below.  They are also very good and provide more depth to his discussion around living in an "Un-Done" World. 

From the Series: Un-Done 
03/01/2020 - Un-Done, Part I: We've Come Undone
03/15/2020 - Un-Done, Part II: Not Fine

About The Speaker: Fr. Mike Schmitz

