One in three Americans will either deal directly with substance or alcohol abuse or have a a family member or friend deal with it in their lifetime. So, the odds are you or someone you know either has or will deal with an addiction. Addiction is not something most of us understand or are prepared to deal with. The program audio archives linked below are for a radio program called "Renewing Hope" that provides insight and guidance into common challenges faced daily by those dealing with addictions and discusses how the Holy Spirit can light the path back to Hope.Gary's Thoughts:
Dealing with an addiction directly or indirectly may be one of the toughest things to deal with in your life. The more informed you are about addictions, the better you will be able to respond to an addiction. The program audio archives linked below are produced by a Catholic Radio station so there are many Catholic references included in these programs. However, this program makes no attempt to convert anyone to Catholicism. Please don't allow the fact these audio archives are produced by a Catholic Radio station keep you from gaining the wonderful insight they have to offer everyone of any faith or no faith in God at all.
Produced by: Ave Maria Radio -
Series Name: Renewing Hope
Related Website:
Series Name: Renewing Hope
Related Website:
Host: Michael Vasquez (Full Biography)
Description: The National Institute on Drug Abuse
researched why people use drugs, and they found that there are four main
reasons: to be happy or satisfied, to feel better (relief from pain or
depression), to do better (performance), and because of peer pressure.
Description: Mike and Dr. Charles Wadle talk about the
impact drug and alcohol abuse have on friends and families. They also
discuss the challenges Toronto mayor Rob Ford is facing and the impact
his behavior has on the city of Toronto.
Description: Mike and his expert panel talk about the benefits of medically supervised stabilization and detoxification.
Description: Mike and his guests Dr. Charles Wadle and Joe Meints discuss the spiritual struggles involved in addiction.
Description: Guest host Joe Meints talks with Dr. Wadle about the growing epidemic of prescription drug abuse and addiction.
Description: Mike and his guests, Dr. Charles Wadle and
Joe Meints, lay out the four elements of addiction, biological,
psychological, social, and spiritual and take an in-depth look at how
the St. Gregory Recovery program addresses the biological elements of
Description: Mike and his expert panel talk about the benefits of the St. Gregory Program on addictions and virtue.
Description: Mike and his guests Dr. Charles Wadle, Joe
Meints, and Clayton Walters talk about different types of drugs, their
effects, and symptoms associated with their use.
Description: The program provides insight and guidance
into common challenges we all face daily and discusses how the Holy
Spirit can light the path back to Hope.
Description: This program provides insight into how adult stem cell care can help with pain that can lead to addiction.
This program discusses how habits such as pornography, shopping,
gambling, and other behavioral addictions are similar to chemical
addictions and the role virtues can play in resolving these addictions.
There is also discussion about how family members can intervene.
Mike and his guests talk about the attitude that "it will never happen
too me" when those that have addictions make decisions about their
actions. They also talk about a program called "Bridges of Iowa" ( and how it helps those with addictions begin to lead a virtues life that considers the consequences of their actions.
Prior shows have discussed how virtues need to guide our lives because
when the virtues are removed from our life they are replaced by
artificial satisfactions that do not lead to long term happiness. This
two part show discusses how to apply the individual virtues: Prudence,
Justice, Fortitude, Temperance, Faith, Hope, & Love.
Description: Prior
shows have discussed how virtues need to guide our lives because when
the virtues are removed from our life they are replaced by artificial
satisfactions that do not lead to long term happiness. This two part
show discusses how to apply the individual virtues: Prudence, Justice,
Fortitude, Temperance, Faith, Hope, & Love.
Description: This program discusses the elements that make the St. Gregory Recovery program unique in the industry.
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